It was a beautiful wedding. The bride was radiant, the groom very handsome (I'd never seen him in a suit), the guests had a good time, the food was great. My family stayed through breakfast Monday (in a hotel, so that little stressor was eliminated). What more could a MOB ask?
Well, the sound system at the venue could have been better, seeing as how
I, and then the bride & groom, spent countless hours
listening to and downloading just the right music, all of which was lost on the wedding guests because they couldn't hear it: a cheap boombox would have been preferable. So the "party" portion of the event was a flop, but the B&G were so busy doing their thing they didn't even get to eat, so they didn't care. They danced one dance together, for the sake of tradition, then one with their respective parents, and that was all the dancing there was for the remainder of the evening. I was the only one who knew that no one got to show their stuff to "Dancing Queen" and "Footloose" (more's the pity).
Life g
oes on. It snowed this morning and the temperature in the RV when I woke up was 40 degrees, which I didn't mind a bit. I'm camping, after all, sleeping in a borrowed bag, now wearing three layers. It's about 1 p.m. and the sun has warmed up the inside of the RV to 60 degrees, enough so I can take off my gloves with the finger tips cut off. Outside it's 38 with 28 wind chill factor, according to The Weather Channel, but it's all good. Peace reigns.
I've decided to stay around through next Tuesday, even though the B&G and I voted yesterday, so I can party down with my friends and loved ones. What a celebration that will be!
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