The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
- Marcel Proust

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day One

This is the Peace Quote for today:

Every minute life begins all over again.
- Thomas Merton

Which means that every minute, we get a do-over. How cool is that? Think about it. You say something hurtful or stupid: you immediately apologize or re-state in a better way. You eat something not on your diet. You sneak a cigarette. In other words, you make a mistake. The Universe doesn't count it because it's over and done with. Move on. No regrets or self-recriminations. Just move on to the next thing, and the next. No looking back. Only forward. Maybe things will be better this time, or next time. But even if it takes a bunch of next times to get it right, there's no reason not to keep on moving forward. The Universe only counts what happens right   now   now   now   now

As my friend Patti Digh says (and she got it from someone else), "Every day is Day One." It's really very comforting when you stop to think about it. Why would we ever feel guilty or remorseful when every moment of every day is presented as a moment to begin again? A chance to do it better...if we'll only take it and move forward.