I wanted to wait until after Tuesday to post again, and then things got away from me in preparation to leave Asheville for the next adventure. Tomorrow is Tuesday again and whatever profundities I was planning to lay on you concerning the election of Barack Obama have drifted away like the mist rising from the Great Smoky Mountains. I do have a confession to make: race was the biggest factor in my voting decision. Since Obama threw his hat into the ring I have firmly held to the belief that an African American president would enhance our worldwide reputation and improve race relations here at home. Having often decried the fact that Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered 45 long years ago, seemed to have fallen on deaf ears, I now view those 45 years as but the blink of an eye. How far we have come.

I have another confession: I was reluctant to leave Asheville. The scenery (the photo was taken from my daughter's front yard), the weather, being with my daughter's family
after the wedding, enjoying time with friends, all conspired to make me too comfortable and complacent.
But I tore myself away and headed south to get warm. I spent two nights in a lovely campground at
Croft State Natural Area near Spartanburg, SC. They have a horse stable: what a treat! Plus a lake and trails and all for only $15/night.

Each morning I got up early and walked to the stables to greet the horses and give them a little hay, then down to the lake to enjoy the leaf color reflected in the water and watch the birds flitting about. It's easy to be in the moment when I'm the only human around. And campers are a nature-loving lot, of course, so it wasn't long before I was drowning in nature and wondering how I could have hesitated to leave the comfort of the familiar when the novelty of the unexpected is what fills my soul.
I'm in Columbia, SC, today having spent the night at my favorite last-minute, end-of-driving-day spot

. I splurged on breakfast at Denny's, where, I swear, the black folk were happy, happy, happier than usual. I just want to hug 'em all! Soon I'll drive into downtown and visit the state capitol building, one of the things I like to do whever I'm in a capital city. Then on to another state park campground for a couple of days before heading on toward Atlanta.
Catch ya on the flippy flop...
A picture of Wal-Mart! Thanks!
Nice hoss shot. Did you make noises to get their ears to stand up? Connie Yeoman taught me that.
Hey Lila or I guess I can officially call you mom (?) Nice place you've got here. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed our last day togeather when we ran errands and you showed me how to make mashed potatoes and green beans. There is a song called "Big Yellow Taxi" that says "you don't know what you've got untill it's gone." That's too true, and I'm VERY sorry that I never made myself more available so that we could do that more often. So, have fun good luck and I miss you, love you, and thank you.
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