I'm having one of those days (no, that's not really me in the photo). I made a great new vegan recipe--Noodles in Thai Curry Sauce--in my current host's kitchen (air conditioned), put in into a bowl he had sitting on the counter so I could take it outside to eat, dropped what turned out to be his grandmother's bowl, broke it and dumped out all the great food I'd just made all over the back steps.
A few minutes ago grandson Austin called to ask why I wasn't there to pick him up for the play I promised to take him to at 4:00 (it was 3:57)...sigh...I was really sad until he called back and invited me to come over for tacos at his house (a favorite of mine) but then I remembered that I don't eat meat any more. Sheesh. Guess I'll just have to stop by the store for some tofu on the way. Things are looking up.
I found your blog from LC and wanted to say Hi. I met you several years ago at a fair and you sold me a gorgeous keepsake with a little story inside about the dog being intuitive and playful and our learning about our lives. It is gorgeous and so meaningful and I make a point to read it every few months to keep myself grounded.
Thanks for your amazing work!
Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting. I tried to add your RSS to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully I can add you and follow.
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