According to one web article I found, which I am unable to find again, the cause is likely some sort of flotsam floating around somewhere in my inner ear, a calcium flake from my mastoid bone or something, and it's got into my semi-circular canal, irritating the nerve endings. One treatment is to lie down with my head hanging over the edge of the bed and wait for the junk to float up into the vestibule, out of the canal. I haven't tried it yet but my sister says a friend of hers who suffers chronically with this condition uses the technique.
Anyway, long story short: Since symptoms were present upon rising and improved throughout the day, I decided to see what would happen if I slept sitting up on Steve's couch. It worked, so I did it for two nights. No symptoms yesterday or today. Tonight I will return to my bed and hope for the best. If it happens again I guess I'll find a doctor. Cross your fingers.
Yesterday Steve and I visited the local Arboretum, which was rather a disappointment except for the raptor show. Click to enlarge.
That's the nature lesson for today, boys and girls. There will be a test tomorrow.
Gosh, Lila, I hope you're gonna be okay. I've never heard of that ear thing. For sure get it checked out, though, if it doesn't improve, because you never know when it could be something like blood pressure - or one of those wierd things like on House or Gray's Anatomy.
I get vertigo from my neck, specifically the occiput and C-1 and C-2 (atlas/axis area). My ears will ring so loud I can hardly hear, and I feel dizzy and nauseated. A trip to the chiropractor usually fixes it, but the older I get and the worse the bone spurs and arthritis get, the harder it is to correct.
Looks like you're still having a good 'vacation', although I'm not sure it could be called that since you do all this same cool stuff when you're on the road. Seems the only difference is that you're with family instead of looking for somewhere to park!
I forgot to say I love the hawk photos, especially the one in flight! We have some that sit on the lines along the highway, hunting the fields on either side. My daughter hit one with her car one time when he swooped down to get something, and she felt soooo bad. I've had the same thing happen, the swooping, so it kinda freaks you out for a minute. But they are beautiful....
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