My newest dog pal is Roger, who is Greg's 14-year-old schnauzer mix. He and I hit it off pretty quickly and I miss him now that I'm not parked in front of Greg's condo, where Roger would come and see me and sometimes leave a little something (which Greg dutifully bagged, like any good dog owner does). Someone once remarked that if the first thing a visitor from another planet spotted was an upright bipedal humanoid following a quadripedal canine around picking up its droppings and then carrying them around in a little bag, the alien would probably assume that dogs rule here on Earth--and don't they just. Roger loves to come into my motorhome to check for crumbs. There's nothing like a dog for keeping your floors clean and shiny.
Then there's my new Houston dog pal Lena, who's also fairly old (sorry Mary Helen, I can't remember). She's a border collie mix who is a sweetheart once you get to know her. She and I used to have good long walks together while MH was at work, and it didn't take long for her to learn just what I wanted her to do (no barking at the neighbors, walk beside me without pulling, ignoring the dogs behind the fences). I miss our daily walks.

My brother-in-law's beagle Gracie (with the heart on her side) is the queen of the food sniffers. She and I didn't spend much time together because she is Eddie's dog and no one else's; wherever he goes, she goes. It didn't take long for my sister Marcia to realize that if she were going to get any dog time she would have to get her own, so along came Trixie, the cairn terrier. Trixie and I also used to take long walks while Marcia was at work, and she's a great ball fetcher.
I've done portraits of everyone except Roger because I've had trouble getting a good photo, but I intend to try again. The portraits are in the sidebar under All In The Family Pet Portraits. Tell your friends.

I'd write a dog poem, but the comparison with Mary Oliver would be painful so maybe I'll be inspired tomorrow. Besides, I want to get back to my book. Have you read Reading Lolita in Tehran? It's a must for historical background on what led up to the happenings there now.
Hope you are enjoying my Madison Park photo slideshow. I forgot to mention that you can click on a photo to make it bigger, which you probably already knew.
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