Apparently, I put this blog address on my new business cards, for my Reiki business. Does that mean I must now write something Reiki-y on my blog so you'll have something to read having to do with Reiki when you come to the site? Seems like a good idea. Perhaps writing something about Reiki, or along the lines of health and healing, or meditation, or whatever, will encourage me to actually take the time to do that. It's better than reading the morning paper and doing the puzzles, I guess.

So for today, while I wait for my next client, I'll just say, Welcome to Being Lila, Reiki Edition. If you are looking for Being Lila, Pet Portrait Edition, you've come to the right place also. There's a gallery of my colored-pencil portraits in the post below this one.
If you're wandering back to this blog looking for its previous incarnation as a travel journal, I'm not in the motor home anymore. Moored to solid, immovable brick and mortar in Asheville, and loving it. I get to see things like this waterfall whenever I want to. What made me think I ever wanted to live anywhere else?!
Stay tuned for more tomorrow, or perhaps after this weekend, as I am working with a local nonprofit on a fundraiser happening Sunday and I'm really busy. They're letting me lead kids on a scavenger hunt! What fun!