Hi! I just read my last post and realized that I kinda left ya hangin'. I've not done much of note since Nov. 27 but here's what you missed.
The injury I referred to in my last message was sustained when I tripped and fell on a hardwood floor on Thanksgiving Day. I jammed my left elbow (rather than spraining my wrist, which is the usual injury for us old folks). I am not 100% back to normal but at least I can brush my teeth and my hair with my dominant hand--oh yes, and get a fork to my mouth (didn't lose a pound). And I can type.
The new business venture I mentioned was a momentary lapse of good sense. What do I want to start a new business for? I'm retired! If I decide to do any work it certainly won't be as a small business owner. Maybe a couple days a week of volunteering...
Okay, what else? This was hardly worth booting up the computer. My plan for the next four months is to find something to keep me from going stir crazy and then take grandson Austin with me on a summer-long trip to New England and Canada. After that, who knows? Being here for all these weeks has made me realize that I'm not ready to settle down in Asheville, wonderful as it is. So...onward!