Today I finally leave Minnesota for points west. It's been great reconnecting with my former partner; so much so that I want to stay longer...but fear to wear out my welcome. Until I have something further to say, here's Patti Digh's blog post from a couple days ago, which includes such a wonderful photo of President Obama that I must share it. What a guy.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
- Marcel Proust
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
All Is Welcome Here
Broken hearts and broken wings,
Bring it all and everything.
Bring the song you fear to sing.
All is welcome here.
And even if you broke your vow a thousand times, come anyhow.
We're stepping into the power of now
And all is welcome here.
- Miten (song "All is welcome here")
The Peace Quote for today is actually the lyrics to a song by Miten. Here's the video too.
All is Welcome Here - Deva Premal and Miten - The best video clips are here
Bring it all and everything.
Bring the song you fear to sing.
All is welcome here.
And even if you broke your vow a thousand times, come anyhow.
We're stepping into the power of now
And all is welcome here.
- Miten (song "All is welcome here")
The Peace Quote for today is actually the lyrics to a song by Miten. Here's the video too.
All is Welcome Here - Deva Premal and Miten - The best video clips are here
Monday, May 18, 2009
It's Official: I'm Retired
The crucial disadvantage of aggression, competitiveness, and skepticism as national characteristics is that these qualities cannot be turned off at five o'clock.
- Margaret Halsey
I did it: I applied for social security retirement benefits today. The amount of money I will receive each month, beginning in September, might cover Heidi Klum's tanning spray but fortunately, I have learned to live frugally (friends and family might say I've taken mooching to a new level, but...whatever).
I'm just thankful I don't have to wait until I'm 66 to retire, like a good friend who, at 65, has a big mortgage on a house she can't sell until the market turns around, and who also needs her employer-paid health insurance. I gave up health insurance for a mortgage in 2003 and have decided to continue living without it until Medicare kicks in. I'm in good health, take no medications, exercise daily, meditate and keep my chi flowing with weekly acupuncture. The best thing I do for my health: no job = no stress. That stuff will kill ya!
- Margaret Halsey
I did it: I applied for social security retirement benefits today. The amount of money I will receive each month, beginning in September, might cover Heidi Klum's tanning spray but fortunately, I have learned to live frugally (friends and family might say I've taken mooching to a new level, but...whatever).
I'm just thankful I don't have to wait until I'm 66 to retire, like a good friend who, at 65, has a big mortgage on a house she can't sell until the market turns around, and who also needs her employer-paid health insurance. I gave up health insurance for a mortgage in 2003 and have decided to continue living without it until Medicare kicks in. I'm in good health, take no medications, exercise daily, meditate and keep my chi flowing with weekly acupuncture. The best thing I do for my health: no job = no stress. That stuff will kill ya!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lend a Hand
An actually existent fly is more important than a possibly existent angel.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you've been reading this blog for a while you know of my high regard for my Asheville friend Patti Digh. Her blog post today tells you everything important that you need to know about Patti. I encourage you to subscribe to her feed so you don't miss a single word.
If you've been reading this blog for a while you know of my high regard for my Asheville friend Patti Digh. Her blog post today tells you everything important that you need to know about Patti. I encourage you to subscribe to her feed so you don't miss a single word.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.- Mark Van Doren
Before my sister reminds me that I haven't updated my blog, here are a few words for Tuesday, May whatever, 2009.
A couple of things have happened, or are scheduled to happen, that are worth mentioning. One is that I've been invited to provide a silent auction item for the National Women's Music Festival, so I'm going giving a gift certificate for a pet portrait. I won't be in Wisconsin in July but thanks to the magic of the internet I can still participate and get some free publicity. Sounds like fun, huh?
I guess the thing I'm most excited about is that I will be a presenter at the 2009 RVing Women Annual Convention in San Antonio. Of course, I didn't do anything spectacular in order to be invited to lead a workshop, like discover a cure for the uncontrollable urge to sit around and watch Turner Classic Movies all day (not something I myself suffer from but maybe you do). The way one is chosen for this great honor is merely to fill out an application. Actually, I'm doing two sessions: Tai Chi for Back & Balance, and Whole-group Book Discussion: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle.
I learned Tai Chi from a wonderful teacher in Asheville, Crayton Bedford. He has spent many years doing Tai Chi and I actually have the audacity to believe I can teach it after taking one course. Well, that's what trainers do, and since I'm a trained trainer (ret.), I feel I can teach what little I know. The few moves I learned from Crayton have certainly helped me, so why not pass it along in a small way?
As for the Eckhart Tolle session, the same applies. I certainly don't claim to be any kind of expert but I thought a book discussion would be a good way to encourage more people to stop thinking and connect with the Universal Consciousness. I'm going to divide the class into small groups so that everyone gets an opportunity to talk about the concepts in the book.
Of course, my ulterior motive in leading workshops is meeting RVing women more easily. There's nothing like being the center of attention for making new friends. I've discovered that being depressed in places where I used to be happy has a lot to do with not being connected with my old friends any more. It's actually easier to be content with the nomad life in places I've never been, where there are no memories of past good times. Making new memories is better than pining away over the old ones.
The best part of being in Minneapolis has been the discovery of Veterans Memorial Park, where I do my daily walk. Last week I met a man on the walking path who was taking photos of birds. He said there was no better place in the entire twin cities metro area for birding. What luck! He had a list of at least 50 species that he had seen that day, and it wasn't even noon yet! Besides the usual suspects (Cardinals, Sparrows, etc.) I've seen Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Great Egret, Red-winged Blackbird, Baltimore Oriole, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and several other species.
Enough about birds. Bringing Up Baby is over and The Philadelphia Story just came on so I gotta go. It's a Katharine Hepburn & Cary Grant festival!
Before my sister reminds me that I haven't updated my blog, here are a few words for Tuesday, May whatever, 2009.
A couple of things have happened, or are scheduled to happen, that are worth mentioning. One is that I've been invited to provide a silent auction item for the National Women's Music Festival, so I'm going giving a gift certificate for a pet portrait. I won't be in Wisconsin in July but thanks to the magic of the internet I can still participate and get some free publicity. Sounds like fun, huh?
I guess the thing I'm most excited about is that I will be a presenter at the 2009 RVing Women Annual Convention in San Antonio. Of course, I didn't do anything spectacular in order to be invited to lead a workshop, like discover a cure for the uncontrollable urge to sit around and watch Turner Classic Movies all day (not something I myself suffer from but maybe you do). The way one is chosen for this great honor is merely to fill out an application. Actually, I'm doing two sessions: Tai Chi for Back & Balance, and Whole-group Book Discussion: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle.
I learned Tai Chi from a wonderful teacher in Asheville, Crayton Bedford. He has spent many years doing Tai Chi and I actually have the audacity to believe I can teach it after taking one course. Well, that's what trainers do, and since I'm a trained trainer (ret.), I feel I can teach what little I know. The few moves I learned from Crayton have certainly helped me, so why not pass it along in a small way?
As for the Eckhart Tolle session, the same applies. I certainly don't claim to be any kind of expert but I thought a book discussion would be a good way to encourage more people to stop thinking and connect with the Universal Consciousness. I'm going to divide the class into small groups so that everyone gets an opportunity to talk about the concepts in the book.
Of course, my ulterior motive in leading workshops is meeting RVing women more easily. There's nothing like being the center of attention for making new friends. I've discovered that being depressed in places where I used to be happy has a lot to do with not being connected with my old friends any more. It's actually easier to be content with the nomad life in places I've never been, where there are no memories of past good times. Making new memories is better than pining away over the old ones.
The best part of being in Minneapolis has been the discovery of Veterans Memorial Park, where I do my daily walk. Last week I met a man on the walking path who was taking photos of birds. He said there was no better place in the entire twin cities metro area for birding. What luck! He had a list of at least 50 species that he had seen that day, and it wasn't even noon yet! Besides the usual suspects (Cardinals, Sparrows, etc.) I've seen Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Great Egret, Red-winged Blackbird, Baltimore Oriole, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and several other species.
Enough about birds. Bringing Up Baby is over and The Philadelphia Story just came on so I gotta go. It's a Katharine Hepburn & Cary Grant festival!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Some days we feel like strangers. When our hearts open, we will realize that we belong just here.- The Buddha
If you have not subscribed to the Daily Peace Quote, you must do it now. When you do, you will receive a quote by email every day. Some days the quote will not speak to you. Some days you will wonder how in the world those wise people at Living Compassion picked a quote that is so absolutely right for you, right here, today.
The quote above has reminded me that it doesn't matter whether or not I remember what is on the corner of Bloomington Avenue and 34th Street in Minneapolis, that when I visit other places I have lived and don't feel like I fit in anymore, it's okay. I'm not a stranger. I belong just here. And here. And here.
How about another:
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.- Denis Waitley
And this one:
Change always comes bearing gifts. It is our choice whether or not to accept the gifts.- Price Pritchett
Here's what it looks like today in Minneapolis, with the sun out and the temperature hovering around 65 degrees.
There's that green again!
The lilacs are coming! The lilacs are coming! You don't get these in the too-warm southlands, so there.
I love that Rita actually uses this old plow to prepare the soil for her beans. Here's hoping your soil is warm and your heart is full.
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